February: Keisha

Februarys book was chosen by Keisha. While she doesn't remember why she chose this book I think we all enjoyed it. By we, I mean the 5 of us. At this point, the club had grown to include Keisha, Kevin, Key, and now Samantha. Kevin remarked on how Lifetime-y it was that feeling was mutual. The Secret Mother did well keeping us guessing at some points but like other books similar it was pretty easy for you to figure what was around the next twist. 

Kevin felt as though writers for this type of book try too hard to keep you guessing and it occasionally messes with the pacing. Keisha felt that it was a well laid out and overall she really liked the book. Key was kept entertained and felt that she was kept in the dark for most of the book.
Samantha enjoyed the book in general but had no strong feelings about it one way or another.

One of the best parts of books like this is trying to get ahead of the author to figure out who done what. While I think most of us did just that. Not everyone felt the need to put on their sleuthing hat and let reveal the secrets at their pace. Which brought up the question, What is the best way to read a book, especially a suspenseful one?

While there is no right answer without making enemies I (Kevin) think the best answer is in a way that would allow you to get the most from whatever you are reading. Keisha remarked "If I can't visualize what is going on, I can't concentrate. If the book isn't laid out well I can't visualize it from the perspective of the characters."

While this book had a tidy ending it feels as though it was left open for more. I asked Keisha if she would read a continuation if there was one and the answer was, "Yes, I like the way this author writes." While it was another Lifetime-y book, I enjoyed it. There were twists and turns and big reveals. It was just suspenseful enough to keep us turning pages. (Keisha read it in one sitting.)

Rating: 3.6 out of 5


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